UniqueTaughtMe is your one stop shop for designer courses, crafter files, and more.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns or exchanges on sale items or gift cards as they are digital products.
Some exceptions can be made, wherein downloads were not initiated by the customer.
Please email unique@uniqueperiod.com or direct message Unique Period on Instagram (@fUniquePeriod ) for more information.
The actual digital files cannot be resold or shared in any form, but you can cut our files and use the cuts to create items for personal use or small business sale. We do not allow our files to be cut and sold as kits, all items for sale must be completely assembled. Extended commercial licenses are available for volumes over 150+ sales. If this sounds like something you are interested in, please contact us directly.
PHYSICAL PRODUCTS: Please allow 1-3 days for processing with an additional 5-10 business days for delivery. Tracking will be sent to the email you have provided with your order.
DIGITAL PRODUCTS: All digital downloads will be delivered instantly via your browser window. In addition, a direct download link will be sent to your email.